Where Students Can Find Postgraduate Dissertation Example about Philosophy?


If you are planning to pursue postgraduate study in Philosophy, you should consider looking for postgraduate dissertation examples on the subject. If you are unsure where to find a suitable sample, you can ask your major professor for help. You can also request letters of recommendation from your major professors. Once you have a list of notes from professors, you can submit your application to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Philosophy.

University of Oregon:

If you are applying to the University of Oregon for a PhD in philosophy, you will need to write a dissertation. You must write a personal statement explaining your philosophical background and interests. It will also be helpful to describe why you chose philosophy as a field and why the University of Oregon is the perfect place for you to pursue your studies. The faculty at the University of Oregon will review your personal statement, writing samples, and letters of recommendation to determine if you are a good candidate for the program. A dissertation should be at least 10 to 15 double-spaced pages in length.


You can choose to write a paper on one tradition of philosophy, but you must also establish how it interacts with other practices. You can take a comparative approach, a historical approach, or even a bridge-building approach. This way, you can explain how different methodologies approach a certain philosophical topic. You can also choose to read philosophy from a historical perspective to understand how it developed over time.

Research and consider emerging philosophical work:

While composing a philosophy dissertation, you must also research and consider emerging philosophical work. Emerging intellectual work challenges established traditions and questions prevailing understandings. These new ideas are important because they inform the teaching and research of graduate students. The graduate program requires students to take two courses in Emerging Philosophies: Critical Race Theory, Latin American Philosophy, and LGBTQ philosophy. Other topics you might choose to research are Biomedical Ethics and Environmental Philosophy.

Make sure it meets the requirements:

After you've written your dissertation, it's important to ensure it meets the requirements for a PhD in philosophy. A PhD student must earn 81 graduate credits in philosophy. At least 12 of these credits must be at the 400 level. Additionally, you must have a GPA of 3.5 or above in all your philosophy courses.


Your dissertation must demonstrate that you can formulate a significant research problem, gather evidence from primary sources, analyse those sources using technical and imaginative skills, and present your research to professional standards in philosophy. The dissertation will be much more extensive than a typical seminar paper in an advanced undergraduate course. Furthermore, it must be a completely original document written to fulfil a requirement in philosophy.

Harvard University:

When writing a dissertation, it is important to remember that your work will often contain in-copyright and third-party content. In these cases, the Office for Scholarly Communication recommends fair use, which allows individuals to use such content for specific purposes and for a limited timeframe without seeking permission from the copyright holder. In addition, your dissertation will be published online through DASH, Harvard's open-access repository.


To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, you should be in good standing and submit your work by the end of the Spring or Fall term. Your sample should be in an 8.5 x 11 format with 1-inch margins, double-spaced, and in common 12-point font.

Include tables and figures:

Your dissertation must also include tables and figures. Generally, these should be placed at the end of your document. They should be labelled by the chapter and page numbers. If they take up more than one page, they should be placed in an appendix or supplemental file.

Include a title page:

Your dissertation should also include a title page. The title should be short and provide a good description of your work. When counting, the page number for the title page is the page i. Copyright pages, however, should not have page numbers. A title page should be included at the beginning of the dissertation and at the top of the document.

Author Bio:

Carmen Troy is a research-based content writer, who works for Cognizantt, a globally recognised professional SEO service and Research Prospect; an 论文和论文写作服务 Mr Carmen holds a PhD degree in mass communication. He loves to express his views on various issues, including education, technology, and more.

